Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fear no more

I'm running through a darkened forest, fighting forces I cannot see
I'm hurting from a million places, making my every breath a plea
When broken hearts and twisted minds are staring in my face
I need to run away from here, to get out of this place.

I lift my eyes but I can't see, they are so full of tears
I reach and find I have no hands; I'm living all my fears
I'm searching for a tree, but not just any oak or pine
It's where I'll find that I am free, it's someplace that's all mine

I'm hungry and I'm thirsty and every breath is pain
I've lost my very essence, and all I thought was gain
Move, my mind tells my legs, keep running or they'll find you
Help, my legs tell my mind, stop moving, wait for rescue.

Screaming, where does it come from? Who is making that horrible sound?
Like a banshee in the night, the scream is getting louder, coming from all around
And suddenly I realize from whence comes the cry
The crying, screaming voice is none other than I.

In tortured desperation I begin to climb, up and up the boughs
I feel each cut and scrape, I hurt from my head to my toes
And finally I reach it, as high as I could go, through blindness I can see a light
What is this new thing, does it come to hurt me, or laugh at my plight?

A strange voice is speaking, different from the rest, it isn't angry
And I know that it isn't going to hurt me
It tells me that it comes from above, and that it comes to try
to save me from this horrible night, if I let go and fly

Without a second thought, I must be close to him, I release my hold
And suddenly I'm falling, falling in the night, I can feel the wind, and the biting cold
And then my eyes are opened and I see clear again, I'm all wrapped up in laughter
I wonder where I am, the sun is shining and I'm warm, is this the life thereafter?

That is when I realize, how tiny and how lovely, I'm held in a single palm
I'm safe and I'm suddenly calm.
He looks at me and tells me that I need fear no more
That He is looking after me, and He has good things in store.